SELECT gene from sea_urchin where gene = 'Sp-Med8' OR uniprot_accession = 'Sp-Med8' OR swissprot_name = 'Sp-Med8'
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Details of Sp-Med8 gene in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
IDs |
Link outs |
Gene Name |
Alias |
Uniprot ID |
SwissProt ID |
NCBI gene ID |
SP Base gene ID |
Description |
Source |
| Sp-Med8 | --- | --- | --- | --- | SPU_025580 | mediator complex subunit 8 mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription, subunit 8 homolog (yeast) | SP_BASE |
Orthologs in other species |
H. sapiens |
M. musculus |
D. melonogaster |
C. elegans |
MED8 | Med8 | MED8 | mdt-8 |