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Details of npl-4.2 gene in Caenorhabditis elegans
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Gene Name |
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W.Base gene ID |
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Description |
Source |
| npl-4.2 | --- | Q95QZ9 | --- | 3565577 | --- | F59E12.5 | Protein NPL-4.2, isoform b [Source:RefSeq peptide Acc:NP_495093] | ENSEMBL |
age associated fluorescence increased, Bacillus thuringiensis toxin hypersensitive, cell cell contacts variant four emb, cell cycle slow early emb, embryo delayed at pronuclear contact early emb, embryonic lethal, exaggerated asynchrony early emb, excessive blebbing early emb, exploded through vulva, large cytoplasmic granules early emb, larval arrest, larval lethal, lethal, locomotion variant, maternal sterile, organism morphology variant, pattern of transgene expression variant, polar body reabsorbed one two early emb, pore forming toxin hypersensitive, postembryonic development variant, pronuclear size defective early emb, protein aggregation variant, receptor mediated endocytosis defective, reduced brood size, shortened life span, slow growth, sterile progeny, transgene subcellular localization variant, Variant.