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Details of ppp-1 gene in Caenorhabditis elegans
IDs |
Link outs |
Gene Name |
Alias |
Uniprot ID |
SwissProt ID |
NCBI gene ID |
W.Base gene ID |
W.Base accession |
Description |
Source |
| ppp-1 | --- | P80361 | EI2BG_CAEEL | 174138 | WBGene00004090 | C15F1.4 | Probable translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit gamma | SPROT |
embryonic lethal, growth rate variant, larval arrest, larval lethal, maternal sterile, organism morphology variant, pattern of transgene expression variant, receptor mediated endocytosis defective, reduced brood size, RNAi resistant, slow growth, small, somatic transgene silencing variant, sterile, transgene expression increased, Variant.